Meter Hoods

Meter Hoods City of Great Falls Montana

Businesses, organizations or individuals actively engaged in construction of any type or other activity necessitating the reservation of parking spaces may rent meter hoods. The City's policy is to designate these daily use zones for the following applicants only:

     1.  The business or property owner immediately adjacent to the proposed zone;
     2.  A construction contractor, mover, etc. for an activity on the same block as the proposed zone. The designated zone shall be as close as practicable to the work site. Only vehicles and equipment necessary to the activity can be parked in the daily use zone.

Property/business owner's private vehicles are not authorized to park at a hooded meter.

Meter hoods are rented at a cost of $5.00 per day to qualifying individuals and organizations. Contact the Parking Garage office (454-2278) for information.