Transportation Alternatives Program

Active Transportation

The current Federal transportation act (“IIJA”, or Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act) includes a provision requiring use of a portion of surface transportation funds for “Transportation Alternatives.” This  provision allows MPOs (Metropolitan Planning Organizations) to solicit and select eligible projects. Examples of eligible projects include bicycle paths, sidewalks and other pedestrian facilities, including safety projects and ADA improvements.

The Montana Department of Transportation has set aside a portion of its TA funding for the Great Falls MPO.  With approximately $3.1 million to allocate, The Great Falls MPO is currently soliciting and evaluating applications for eligible projects for the Great Falls metropolitan area. Eligible applicants include local governments and other similar entities. For a complete list, see the Program Description.

Applications may be submitted from March 15 through April 19 at 5 PM, 2024.

For more information, refer to the Program Description and Instructions to Applicants.